Kindred Stories is a bookstore born of a love for reading and a passion for community.
We believe reading is one of the most vital acts of self-care. When we read, we can take a step back from our day-to-day stresses and fall into new worlds — and when that book is written by someone who looks like us, grew up in a similar environment to ours, and understands what we’re going through, we can return from our momentary escape with new knowledge that helps us live more beautiful and authentic lives.
Kindred Stories is a community space and bookstore that doesn’t just highlight Black literature but celebrates our stories in all their diverse and genre-spanning glory. Every book on the shelves is written by a Black author or other marginalized voice, and every display can spotlight a unique aspect of Black storytelling and craft.
Through visiting our space or attending one of our many events, we hope our supporters can unite over our shared love of these books; delve into the ways we see ourselves reflected in their stories; learn about new and upcoming Black writers, artists, creators, and changemakers; and find connection at a time when we need it more than ever — all while working to create change, and spread access for those who’ve been systematically cut off from literature for far too long.
It's been a wild ride since launching in 2021 during a global pandemic and time of steep social change, but our community members unceasingly remind us that our work is vital and the spaces we're creating are needed.
Our physical store is located in Third Ward in partnership with Project Row Houses. We hope to edify our community’s swelling appetite for authentic stories — as told by those who have lived them. Follow us on Instagram, shop online, or visit the store to keep up with all the fun happening at Kindred Stories.
Thank you for being a part of our tribe!
With love,
The Kindred Stories Team
because you know they're always changing
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